To Infinity and Beyond

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm soooooo tired!!!
not something to be really proud of, eh?

My arms are weakening....
My legs are wobbly...
My knees' shake...
And I can't do a proper pirouette...

I have no idea why, I was lyke dizzy the whole time in ballet class. As if there's not enough blood flowing in me. Maybe I was possessed O.O Well, today's class was in the 'mini' theater, top floor, where many people has claimed to see 'things'.
Ah well....

Right now, I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna sink my teeth into a nice big yummy Subway turkey ham sandwich and chow on a Yoshinoya beef rice.
Mmmm....yummy =]
Feed me.
Simply Craving =D

Colourful. I Love You.
4:08 AM

Friday, September 26, 2008
Livin' Life...

Speakers: Attention, everyone! Jessica Yeo is back!
Crowd: Wahooo!!! *most people not caring at all*
Speakers: However, she'll be missing for quite sometime after these few weeks.
Crowd: Boooo!!!
Speakers: Because she has exams.
Crowd: Ooooh! *some nodding their heads*
Speakers: But now, she will entertain you with the lame stuff she says and you can continue ignoring her.
Crowd: Whoo!!! *goes back to what they were doing in the first place*

XD I'm pretty lame, aren't I?

Anyways, I'm back, and totally have looooads of things to say.
First, we shall start with home. Well, not many people know, my mum is actually working at home now. Plus, my grandmother moved in with us. With four people living in a small condo, trust me, you don't want to know where we people sleep. But if you do, I sleep on the floor, which is pretty comfy.

Right now with all the news that is going on, apparently milk from China is hazardous to our health. So people who are planning to visit China, no milk please. Other that that, there happens to be many killings involving young teenage girls, lyke me. I'm only half the age of middle-aged people, that is if your middle-aged people are the same age as my middle-aged people. So people out there, be extra extra cautious and protect your friends. Plus, my mum thinks I should remove my photos with my face in it. She says, "People will take your picture, then cut out your face. Paste it onto a body, which is not your body, say you do bad things, do this, do that". In the first place, I'm not very pretty to start off, and people who do stuff lyke this, if you take my picture, you're an idiot. =]
~Anyone who reads my blog, please type in the sidebar chat thingy, and suggest whether I should or should not remove my photos. Please and thank you~

Moving on to school, the past Wednesday, my class, some of the 4 Thetans and I went to visit Batu Caves. IT WAS FUN!!! except for the guano part... Teachers who came with us, Ms. Chee, Ms. Shieh, and Mr. Alex Ho. There were two trails in the cave, the educational trail and the adventurous trail. Both equally awesome. But before we could even set foot into the cave, we had to climb up 200 stairs all the way up to the top. We were trying our best to be lyke the little engine that could. However, Shermaine got scratch by a monkey.

On with the educational trail, me and Laura were practically hold on to each other almost the whole way. Why? The path was not exactly how would you say..stable enough, that you may slip and fall. And Laura is scared of cockroaches. Anyways, it was pretty cool. We learn about stalactites and stalagmites, columns, flow rocks[i think that's how it's called] and many other stuff. But it's pretty sad that last time, when Batu Caves is fully open for visitors, some inconsiderate people lyke to touch the walls, corroding or chiping off some of the calcium carbonates, calcites they're also known as. At the end of the educational trail, we had a test of darkness and silence. The head guide instructed us to off our headlights [we had a little light on our helmet] and kept quiet for a minute. The cave was sooooo dark, and you could hear water flowing in the cave. The sound was sooo natural, truly amazing. Plus, it was sooo dark that closing or opening your eyes makes no difference. Quite cool for me, but not for Wilson.

Then we had the adventurous trail. First we had to crawl through a small tiny whole, but John and Rifdy are able to squeeze through it. And we had code names. Mine is 'hamster' and 'yo', Daniel's one is 'dinosaur' and 'salmon' and Wilson is 'ginseng'. It was pretty funny. I was calling out 'Ginseng, why are you not moving?' and 'Is Dinosaur okay?' We had to climb walls, slide down them too and walk through a mud pool. Very very disgusting...and what we were walking and crawling through is not mud...but guano.
[Note: Guano is bat droppings, sick right?]
After the whole ordeal, I quickly rushed down the stairs and ran to the showers. felt soooo goood. But the whole thing was sooo fun, and definitely had a lot of bonding time with my classmates.

Next, about school. Today was pretty unexpected. well, my class is suppose to have a debate with 4 Theta again. This time the speakers and Avisha, Laura and Daniel. Unfortunately, Avisha caught something and she had a sore throat. Well, her replacement is none other than me. Why me? I have no idea too. The topic was 'Should attendance of students in school be voluntary?' My side was saying that it should not be voluntary. On the other group, we had Nicholas, Rifdy and Sean. Nicholas as first speaker? That is definitely something I gotta see.

Other than that, Librarians are having an Annual Gathering and the Form 4 are in-charge. Apparently we suppose to perform. We want to Wilson to show some shuffling moves to us, but he said that he will only perform if Wei Jun sings. So everyone... make Wei Jun sing!!!!!
Please? =]
Simply Livin' Life XD

Colourful. I Love You.
6:29 AM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

So booooooring.....
I have absolutely nothing to do. No interesting games to play, no movies to watch, no funny manga to read. I'm done reading my new book, this month edition of Reader Digest is also slaughtered by me.

If there's anyone out there reading my blog, please recommend me some good stuff to do.

Please and Thankies,
Simply Loitering...

Colourful. I Love You.
3:17 AM

The Blogger
Me, Myself & I

Do you realize that when you mouth "Colourful", it looks like you're mouthing "I Love You"?

Simply Unique and Colour-Quirky =)

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♥Music: The All-American Rejects
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Last Update 29 Aug 2010

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